


全州 学生报纸

An integral part of any college or university is its 学生报纸. 自1930年以来, 全州 has served as the main source of information for student, faculty and alumni of 奥斯丁 Peay. 周三,11月. 26, 1930, marked the publication of the first issue of the newspaper and the university’s oldest tradition has been documenting the history ever since.

The newspaper’s name came from Halbert Harvill, then dean at 奥斯丁 Peay. 他提交了 “All State” in a contest held to choose a name for the 学生报纸. 在社论中 explaining the name’s origin, it said, “The unique function of the institution is the training of elementary teachers for the rural schools of Tennessee … Thus, for a paper which heralds the activities of an institution which serves all the state, what name for fitting could there be than All State.”

全州 is available every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters, and 定期更新于 www.theallstate.org 在社交媒体上.


The karst landscape of the Clarksville area lends itself to numerous sinkholes. 奥斯丁 Peay's main campus quad area is highlighted by several large sinkholes, nicknamed “碗." These bowls are popular hangouts for studying, lounging, frisbee games 或者学生活动.


Every fall, students form either all-male, all-female or coed teams to compete in volleyball and/or tug-of-war in the mud. 的MudBowl uses tarp surrounded by bales of straw, filled with tons of murky dirt and water. The annual event, started in 2003, is sponsored by the 学生会协会.


A spring tradition hosted by the 学生会协会, 大事件 incorporates “hands on service” by hundreds of 奥斯丁 Peay students, to benefit dozens of community agencies in the greater Clarksville and Nashville areas.  


G.H.O.S.T., or "Greater Halloween Options for Safe Trick-or-Treating," is a longstanding tradition at 365bet, sponsored by 学生会协会. Although it was originally intended for the children of 365bet students, faculty and staff, G.H.O.S.T. 已经扩展到欢迎 families from the local community. 365bet clubs and organizations, as well as groups from the community, dress up, hand out candy and play games with children from Clarksville 以及周边地区.


Every January, members of the 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 community display their grit and determination by willingly jumping into icy water during the annual Polar 跳水. This event, which serves as a food drive for local food pantries, takes place 每年一月的 Foy Fitness and Recreation Center’s outdoor swimming pool, and it has grown in popularly since the first plunge took 2009年排名.


种下校园红 has become a tradition with memorable beginnings. The initial 种下校园红 was held in the spring after the Jan. 22, 1999, tornado denuded much of campus. 与 a spirit of determination and in defiance of the F-4 tornado's destruction, more than 400 faculty, staff, students, alumni and community friends united to bring the campus back to life by planting hundreds of flowers, shrubs and saplings. 活动举行了 每年春天.


In honor of our namesake, former Tennessee governor 奥斯丁 Peay, many of our campus buildings have been named after former Tennessee governors as well.

Top Outstanding Student Awards

Each year, 大学 recognizes the top two outstanding students at the Spring 学术颁奖典礼.

The William McClure Drane Award is 给n to the degree candidate chosen by the faculty of 大学 on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership and service to 大学. The award was established in 1950 by Myrtle Drane and Maud Drane Buckner in memory of their father, William McClure Drane, a prominent citizen of Clarksville 也是教育的赞助人.

The Halbert Harvill Civitan Citizenship Award is 给n to the graduating student selected by the faculty for having made an outstanding contribution to good citizenship during 他或她的大学生涯. The award is not based upon popularity, athletic prowess or scholastic achievement; rather, the award honors the student who has made the best use of his or her abilities and has worked unselfishly for the betterment of fellow students and the school community.

Miss 奥斯丁 Peay and Miss Queen City scholarship pageants

Sponsored by the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, the pageant was established in 1959 to offer an undergraduate, female students the opportunity to earn scholarships through participation in the annual pageant. In 2013, the state-wide title Miss Queen City 添加了. Talent, interviewing skills, fitness, confidence, and stage presence are the primary tenants of the pageant. Those crowned go on to compete in the Miss Tennessee Volunteer Scholarship Pageant in Jackson, Tennessee, each June.