为国家服务. Some grew up in the shadow of its campus, while others saw
甚至是国家. Many saw one of Austin Peay’s nationally recognized programs as the
impacted by Austin Peay’s mission to find the leader in everyone.
for yourself what 使s each #GovLife unique.
information from diverse sources to use it for your benefit. 你可以画画,
painting, anything you like, and use it to your benefit. 你选择你想要的
to do, and CECA provides that to you, helps you do that.”
“在奥斯汀皮伊, you are an individual. All the professors here are willing to 给
you any opportunity you can dream of. 这太罕见了. 我不会经历的
all that I have if it hadn’t been for Austin Peay.
work ethic and a willingness to take risks. During their college careers, our students
mold the future of some of the fastest-growing fields.
奥斯汀·皮伊学院的学生毕业后没有一个地方能找到工作. 一些去
on the largest news items of the century. The one unifier for all these students is
their ability to 使 a lasting change to the world.
Isabelle Stapp | Political Science
“I get to do a lot of stuff with the community. I work with a lot of local politicians,
comforting care to a patient in need. Other times it's about teaching new students
how to be successful, using your own story as an example. 所有这些学生都在工作
daily in their own communities to 使 a difference in impactful ways.
女预言家刷 I Pre K - Third Special Education
“If you’re interested in any organizations at 365bet, join. 这是一件可怕的事情,但是
and it will change your outlook on college.”
离开家很难. Taking the leap of faith that there will be opportunity for
you in an unfamiliar place comes with a great deal of uncertainty. 在奥斯汀皮伊,
any student can find opportunity. Any student can find success.
詹妮弗·史蒂文斯 I Engineering Technology
“我知道我必须做一些我一直想做的事情,”她说. “我有
to take care of my kid and finally chase my dreams.”
“I knew I wanted to go out of state for college. When I saw an email from Austin Peay,
在爱中! I had a strong feeling that this is where I wanted to be.”